Open Real Estate FAQ
The template files of the users part (frontend) are in themes/theme_name/, e.g.: themes/classic/.
The template files of the admin part (backend) are in the folder with the corresponding module, e.g.:protected/modules/apartments/views/backend.
Open files: themes/theme_name/views/layouts/main.php and themes/theme_name/views/layouts/compare.php.
Find the line "logoopenore.png".
Replace with your file, having uploaded it through FTP server beforehand.
Please follow the link "Dashboard" on the top menu or use a direct link
Admin panel > Info pages > "Welcome!" > edit.
or use a direct link
Open the file: themes/theme_name/views/layouts/main.php.
Insert the counter code up to the line:
<div id="loading" style="display:none;"><?php echo Yii::t('common', 'Loading content...'); ?></div>
Removing an active link to our site in the footer of the frontend costs $49.
The link is removed from one of your domains. If you plan to remove copyrights from several websites you will need to pay for the copyright removing from every domain, which excludes the transfer of the website to another domain.
In order to remove copyrights please contact us:
You may use the module "Slideshow on the Home page" and add images in the admin panel.
Or open the file: themes\classic\views\layouts\index.php.
<?php if (isset(Yii::app()->controller->imagesForIndexPageSlider) && $imgCount = (count(Yii::app()->controller->imagesForIndexPageSlider))):?> <?php foreach(Yii::app()->controller->imagesForIndexPageSlider as $img):?> <?php if (isset($img['url']) && $img['url']) :?> <a href="<?php echo $img['url'];?>" target="_blank"> <?php endif;?> <?php if (isset($img['title']) && $img['title']):?> <img src="<?php echo $img['src'];?>" alt="" width="<?php echo $img['width'];?>" height="<?php echo $img['height']+30;?>" title="<?php echo CHtml::encode($img['title']);?>" /> <?php else:?> <img src="<?php echo $img['src'];?>" alt="" width="<?php echo $img['width'];?>" height="<?php echo $img['height']+30;?>" /> <?php endif;?> <?php if (isset($img['url']) && $img['url']) :?> </a> <?php endif;?> <?php endforeach;?> <?php endif;?>
<img src="<?php echo Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl; ?>/images/slider/1.jpg" alt="1" width="500" height="310" /> <img src="<?php echo Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl; ?>/images/slider/2.jpg" alt="2" width="500" height="310" /> <img src="<?php echo Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl; ?>/images/slider/3.jpg" alt="3" width="500" height="310" /> <img src="<?php echo Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl; ?>/images/slider/4.jpg" alt="4" width="500" height="310" />
Admin panel > section Translations. In the drop down list of the field "Category" please select "module_seo".
Edit the constants "siteName", "siteKeywords" and "siteDescription".
Admin panel > Settings. Choose the section "Listings" from the drop down list.
Deactivate types of listings which won't be required: Possibility to add a listing of the type "Sell", Possibility to add a listing with the type "Exchange" etc.
If you use a free version: please go to admin panel -> Settings. Select the section "Home", edit the value "Site currency".
If you have a paid version, then go to admin panel -> "Currency" section and set a required currency by default.
Admin panel > section "Translations". Enter "site_square" in the field "String constant" and press "Enter". Then edit the constant value.
Please use the module "SEO".
You may have a look at the functions of the module on the demo site of Pro version
Admin panel > Settings. Select section "Home". Deactivate the option "Allow user registration".
Yes, you may.
To get more information on the purchase by instalment please contact us
Yes, you can. On the condition that the copyrights will be kept in the code of PHP files.
Full information on Yii framework you may find on the website
You should delete all files in folders:
In the file index.php uncomment the lines:
// defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG',true);
// defined('YII_TRACE_LEVEL') or define('YII_TRACE_LEVEL',3);