About Open Real Estate CMS


Open Real Estate FAQ

Open Real Estate FAQ

Where are the template files? #

The template files of the users part (frontend) are in themes/theme_name/, e.g.: themes/classic/.

The template files of the admin part (backend) are in the folder with the corresponding module, e.g.:protected/modules/apartments/views/backend.

How to change the logo? #

Open files: themes/theme_name/views/layouts/main.php and themes/theme_name/views/layouts/compare.php.

Find the line "logo­open­ore.png".

Replace with your file, having uploaded it through FTP server beforehand.

How to get to admin panel of the website? #

Please follow the link "Dashboard" on the top menu or use a direct link http://example.com/site/login.

How to change the standard text on the Homepage? #

Admin panel ­> Info pages ­> "Welcome!" ­> edit.

or use a direct link http://example.com/infopages/backend/main/update?id=1.

How to add web counters ( Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrics )? #

Open the file: themes/theme_name/views/layouts/main.php.

Insert the counter code up to the line:

<div id="loading" style="display:none;"><?php echo Yii::t('common', 'Loading content...'); ?></div>

How to add images to the slider on the Home page? #

You may use the module "Slide­show on the Home page" and add images in the admin panel.

Or open the file: themes\classic\views\layouts\index.php.


<?php if (isset(Yii::app()->controller->imagesForIndexPageSlider) && $imgCount = (count(Yii::app()->controller->imagesForIndexPageSlider))):?>
<?php foreach(Yii::app()->controller->imagesForIndexPageSlider as $img):?>
<?php if (isset($img['url']) && $img['url']) :?>
<a href="<?php echo $img['url'];?>" target="_blank">
<?php endif;?>
<?php if (isset($img['title']) && $img['title']):?>
<img src="<?php echo $img['src'];?>" alt="" width="<?php echo $img['width'];?>" height="<?php echo $img['height']+30;?>" title="<?php echo CHtml::encode($img['title']);?>" />
<?php else:?>
<img src="<?php echo $img['src'];?>" alt="" width="<?php echo $img['width'];?>" height="<?php echo $img['height']+30;?>" />
<?php endif;?>
<?php if (isset($img['url']) && $img['url']) :?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php endforeach;?>
<?php endif;?>


<img src="<?php echo Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl; ?>/images/slider/1.jpg" alt="1" width="500" height="310" />
<img src="<?php echo Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl; ?>/images/slider/2.jpg" alt="2" width="500" height="310" />
<img src="<?php echo Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl; ?>/images/slider/3.jpg" alt="3" width="500" height="310" />
<img src="<?php echo Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl; ?>/images/slider/4.jpg" alt="4" width="500" height="310" />

How to change site name, keywords and description? #

Admin panel ­> section Translations. In the drop down list of the field "Category" please select "module_seo".

Edit the constants "siteName", "siteKeywords" and "siteDescription".

How to deactivate "sell", "exchange" and other types of listings on my website? #

Admin panel ­> Settings. Choose the section "Listings" from the drop down list.

Deactivate types of listings which won't be required: Possibility to add a listing of the type "Sell", Possibility to add a listing with the type "Exchange" etc.

How to change the currency of the site? #

If you use a free version: please go to admin panel -> Settings. Select the section "Home", edit the value "Site currency".

If you have a paid version, then go to admin panel -> "Currency" section and set a required currency by default.

How to change the site square value? #

Admin panel ­> section "Translations". Enter "site_square" in the field "String constant" and press "Enter". Then edit the constant value.

How to create friendly URLs and SEO for listings, news and pages? #

Please use the module "SEO".

You may have a look at the functions of the module on the demo site of Pro version http://re-pro.monoray.net.

How to deactivate the option "users registration"? #

Admin panel ­> Settings. Select section "Home". Deactivate the option "Allow user registration".

May I make the required changes in the code of the script? #

Yes, you can. On the condition that the copyrights will be kept in the code of PHP files.

Full information on Yii framework you may find on the website http://yiiframework.com.

How to clear site's cache? #

You should delete all files in folders:

  • assets
  • protected/runtime/cache
  • protected/runtime/minScript/groups

How to enable DEBUG-mode? #

In the file index.php uncomment the lines:

// defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG',true); 


// defined('YII_TRACE_LEVEL') or define('YII_TRACE_LEVEL',3);