Version 1.39.0 (March 15, 2025): #
- support for PHP 8.3;
- numerous improvements and fixes.
Version 1.38.0 (November 29, 2023): #
- updating the Yii framework to version 1.1.28;
- support for PHP 8.0, 8.1;
- additional directory "City districts" in the "Location" module;
- the ability to edit the display of the country, region, district in the search form in the "Advanced Form Editor" module;
- the social authorization module has been removed. Added the possibility of authorization through the service
- numerous improvements and fixes.
Version 1.37.0 (March 29, 2023): #
Version 1.36.2 (October 26, 2022): #
Version 1.36.1 (September 8, 2022): #
Version 1.36.0 (November 19, 2021): #
- an opportunity to specify the "Deal type" for fields in a module 'Extended Forms Editor';
- new website section and the "Сallback" function;
- numerous improvements and bug fixes.
Version 1.35.1 (September 11, 2021): #
- update Yii framework to version 1.1.24;
- PHP 8.0 support.
Version 1.35.0 (August 30, 2021): #
- links to edit info pages under the administrator and moderator in the BASIS theme;
- sending an ad for moderation after changing data or uploading new photos, videos or documents;
- in the section "History of messages with the user" displaying information about the user and his contacts;
- in the section "Sitemap setup" link to the sitemap;
- buttons for sending a message to the user and viewing the ad on the ad editing page;
- update Yii framework to version 1.1.23.
Version 1.34.1 (April 4, 2021): #
Version 1.34.0 (January 12, 2021): #
- SEO setting for the search form;
- setting Yandex XML (adding feeds in terms of criteria);
- sitemap setting;
- "bad words" module (listings, comments, or reviews will not be posted if a word from the list of "bad words" is found in the text);
- automatic saving of listings in the editing section;
- two-factor authorization to the admin panel by e-mail;
- PHP 7.4 support;
- minor bugfixes.
Version 1.33.0 (Jule 14, 2020): #
- settings for the Best listings widget (for Basis and Dolphin themes);
- the capability to download images appeared for "Information Pages" in Popular Destinations widget (for Basis and Dolphin themes);
- on the video tab, it's enough to specify the youtube URL for video addition;
- setting "Convert Youtube URL to Video". When you turn it on, all Youtube Url in the object's description, materials, info pages changed to a video player;
- the capability to add API key in the website settings for currency conversion using service (for paid Basic / PRO / Ultimate versions);
- module "Tariff plans" - limitation of adding objects for tariff plans "Free";
- module "Tariff plans" - different tariff plans for different types of users;
- in the list of users displaying only those who have objects.;
- multiple improvements and speedwork increase.:
Version 1.32.2 (May 6, 2020): #
Version 1.32.1 (April 17, 2020): #
Version 1.32.0 (April 5, 2020): #
Version 1.31.0 (February 25, 2020): #
- new website section and the "Favorites" function;
- the payment system Robokassa's work corrected in testing mode;
- minor improvements and bugfixes.
Version 1.30.3 (November 8, 2019): #
- minor improvements and bugfixes.
Version 1.30.2 (September 12, 2019): #
Version 1.30.1 (August 30, 2019): #
Version 1.30.0 (August 6, 2019): #
Version 1.29.3 (Jule 26, 2019): #
- 2 colour schemes of "Basis" theme ;
- minor improvements and bugfixes.
Version 1.29.2 (June 6, 2019): #
- Yii 1.1.21;
- minor bugfix.
Version 1.29.1 (May 10, 2019): #
Version 1.29.0 (March 17, 2019): #
- the Turkish language is added in the paid version (ULTIMATE / PRO / BASIC);
- minor bugfix.
Version 1.28.3 (February 8, 2019): #
Version 1.28.2 (January 31, 2019): #
Version 1.28.1 (January 20, 2019): #
- CKEditor 4.11.2;
- PHPMailer 6.0.6;
- other minor improvements and bugfixes.
Version 1.28.0 (January 16, 2019): #
- fiscal document format 1.05 version to ATOL;
- performance optimization;
- other minor improvements and bugfixes.
Version 1.27.0 (January 7, 2019): #
Version 1.26.0 (December 15, 2018): #
- RTL support to "Basis" theme;
- performance optimization;
- other minor improvements and bugfixes.
Version 1.25.7 (November 21, 2018): #
- minor improvements and bugfix.
Version 1.25.6 (October 13, 2018): #
- minor improvements and bugfix.
Version 1.25.5 (October 6, 2018): #
- ckeditor 4.10.1;
- phpmailer 5.2.26;
- other minor improvements and bugfix.
Version 1.25.4 (September 12, 2018): #
Version 1.25.3 (August 24, 2018): #
Version 1.25.2 (August 15, 2018): #
- Yii framework is updated to 1.1.20 version;
- minor improvements and bugfixes.
Version 1.25.1 (Jule 8, 2018): #
- minor improvements and bugfixes.
Version 1.25.0 (June 15, 2018): #
- Importing of listings on the website in Yandex.Realty xml format. Read more.
Version 1.24.0 (June 8, 2018): #
- theme 'Basis';
- other minor bugfixes.
Version 1.23.1 (March 27, 2018): #
- other minor improvements and bugfixes.
Version 1.23.0 (March 13, 2018): #
- convenient addition of child objects (read more);
- module Yandex.Realty bugfixes for listings import;
- script bugfixes under PHP 7.2;
- other minor bugfixes.
Version 1.22.2 (November 21, 2017): #
Version 1.22.1 (November 3, 2017): #
- other minor improvements and bugfixes.
Version 1.22.0 (October 22, 2017): #
Version 1.21.1 (September 17, 2017): #
- different values of references for different type;
- other minor improvements and bugfixes.
Version 1.21.0 (September 6, 2017): #
- Yii framework update from version 1.1.17 to version 1.1.19;
- integration of payment systems with ATOL according to 54 Federal Law;
- new search of the rental property is added (search for hourly, daily, weekly and monthly rental);
- new module "Custom HTML";
- new section "Carousel Controls";
- other minor improvements and bugfixes.
Version 1.20.1 (June 3, 2017): #
Version 1.20.0 (May 15, 2017): #
- PHPMailer library is updated to the version 5.2.23;
- Yandex.Maps API is updated to the version 2.1;
- Yandex.Maps Panorama are added while viewing listings;
- added an opportunity to use reCAPTCHA 2 (it is turned on in a section Settings -> Home);
- added an opportunity to add listings step by step (it is turned on in a section Settings -> Listings);
- added a new type of fields 'Range field' in a module 'Extended Forms Editor';
- added an opportunity to search in a range of fields created with module 'Extended Forms Editor';
- other minor improvements and bugfixes.
Version 1.19.3 (January 24, 2017): #
Version 1.19.2 (January 9, 2017): #
- PHPMailer security fix;
- XSS fix;
- other minor improvements and bugfixes.
Version 1.19.1 (December 14, 2016): #
- responsive tables in the administration panel;
- improved photo view in a listing;
- the user’s dashboard interface is updated;
- bugfix.
Version 1.19.0 (November 23, 2016): #
- new administration panel theme;
- file manager in a visual editor;
- bugfix.
Version 1.18.1 (September 29, 2016): #
- updated CKEditor;
- optimization of 'Yandex Realty' module;
- bugfix.
Version 1.18.0 (September 18, 2016): #
Version 1.17.3 (September 12, 2016): #
Version 1.17.2 (August 2, 2016): #
Version 1.17.1 (July 10, 2016): #
- Improvements and bug fixes.
Version 1.17.0 (June 28, 2016): #
- Auto-population of 'Linked to' field while indicating an enclosed object (for instance, while adding a room to a hotel);
- Check email in Settings - Email;
- Option to set ALT to the images (in materials, listings). Works only with module SEO;
- New widget for the infopages: summary info and listings. Works only with module SEO;
- Option to create pages with city description and listings (only for the cities with available listings). Works only with module SEO;
- Workspeed increased for the sites with 2000+ listings;
- Map search. Efficiency increased - the objects are loaded only into the visible area;
- FlowPlayer removed. Now html5 videoplayer is used;
- Spanish localisation;
- An opportunity to upload images when someone add listings as an unregistered user;
- Half day booking;
- Improvements of listing management system in admin panel (Changes in displaying of listings and filter system);
- Lots of other minor improvements.
Version 1.16.1 (April 6, 2016): #
- Option to rotate listing photos after the upload;
- Option to edit seasonal prices;
- Error in listing view form under PHP 7 is fixed;
- Paid systems PayPal and PayMaster - validity verification of payments is added;
- Other improvements and minor corrections.
Version 1.16.0 (March 22, 2016): #
- New paid module 'Geo'. Automatically identifies country, region, city. Allows to configure autopopulating of the identified location into the search and filter on the main page and into the listing form;
- Module SEO update. Now it's a standalone area in the admin panel, where you can configure SEO-urls and meta-data to all site pages. Main and complementary SEO settings management. Regeneration of current SEO-urls and meta-data;
- Booking feature update. Automatical calculation of booking fee and immediate payment option for daily rented objects;
- 'Forms editor' module update. Visibility settings depending on the deal type;
- Improvements in agencies functionality (now agency can edit agents' listings, appoint listings to agents and refill agents' ballance from the agency account);
- Micromarkup, allows to enhance representaion of the file snippet in search results. Learn more;
- Cookies warning;
- Theme 'Atlas' update. Full-width slider in 'Atlas' theme. Option to choose listings display format on the main page: blocks, table, blocks + map;
- Metro stations search in search form;
- Framework Yii is updated to the latest version (1.1.17);
- PHPMailer is updated to the latest version (5.2.14);
- Correction of the layering of transparent png as watermark;
- Multiple improvements and speedwork increase.
Version 1.15.4 (February 29, 2016): #
Version 1.15.3 (January 31, 2016): #
Version 1.15.2 (January 12, 2016): #
Version 1.15.1 (December 16, 2015): #
Version 1.15.0 (November 30, 2015): #
- online booking payment (available only with modules 'Booking calendar' and 'Payments and paid services');
- new paid add-on 'History of changes';
- new paid add-on 'Subway stations';
- new add-on 'Materials'. Now you can create content categories of your own: news, article, blog and assign categories to newly created materials (news, articles, posts);
- new base of countries, regions and cities for module 'Location' from SypexGeo ( ;
- property on a map in print version;
- framework Yii is updated up to the latest version (1.1.16);
- numerous improvements and bug fixes.
Version 1.14.1 (October 13, 2015): #
Version 1.14.0 (September 29, 2015): #
nested objects. For example, apartments in apartment building or rooms in hotel;
'Seasonal prices' module. Option to set different prices for different periods of the year to 'Rent' listings. For example, prices in high season can be higher, than during low one;
- optimization of map view of all the properties;
- optimization of 'Yandex.Realty' module;
- ability to set the default type of operations in the settings;
- improvements in 'Forms Editor' module: option to set a field visibility - visible to all, to registered users, to owner and admin, to admin only.
bulk addtion of cities and reference values;
- miscellaneous amendments and improvements.
Version 1.12.0 (July 7, 2015): #
- ability to search available properties by dates;
- improved menu settings;
- support and editing of any new currency;
- 3 colour schemes of "Atlas" theme ;
- setting "confirmation by e-mail at registration";
- updated CKEditor;
- filtration of the listings with paid services in admin panel;
- listings cloning;
- safe removal of the listings (the listings are displayed on the website with the sign "Listing is not actual");
- User Agreement page and corresponding checkbox at registration ;
- numerous improvements and bug fixes.
Version 1.11.0 (May 6, 2015): #
- a new paid module "Tariff Plans";
- a new paid module "Moderators". Allows to add moderators;
- a new module "Blacklist IP";
- module of Advertising Banners. The ability to insert JS-code directly;
- jquery captcha;
- new payment systems: PayMaster, LiqPay and W1;
- an ability to add/delete user's avatar in the admin panel;
- an ability to generate a random password and send it to a user in the back office;
- an ability to select a type of the user, when adding a listing by "a guest";
- an ability to enable/disable types of listings separately: rent by the hour, rent by the day, rent by the week;rent by the month;
- a setting "Auto posting on behalf of the group in VK";
- the choice of SMTP encryption;
- a lot of improvements and bug fixes.
Version 1.10.0 (February 18, 2015): #
module "Customers": the basic customer accounting (add/edit/data view);
new paid module "Inner correspondence";
jQuery Sortable to move elements in tables of the admin panel;
search by user type;
search by ads "only with photos";
fields management: the option to connect listing's parameters to different tabs and fields assorting;
other numerous improvements and debugging.
Version 1.9.1 (September 18, 2014): #
- errors' correction;
- some "Atlas" template improvements.
Version 1.9.0 (August 6, 2014): #
Version 1.8.2 (May 30, 2014): #
Version 1.8.1 (April 25, 2014): #
Version 1.8.0 (April 14, 2014): #
editor of the messangers templates from admin panel;
3 types of users: private person, agent, agency;
output of the list of users;
downloading of user's pic;
dashboard is redesigned;
list of listings widget for info-pages with the filter and the opportunity to choosethe position;
the opportunity to set out direct user friendly URL link for info-pages;
integration of OpenStreetMap;
new system of top menu management;
the ability to create static pages;
new module "Posting of listings on social media" (is only for paid PRO and Ultimate versions);
search by title, description and address;
the opportunity to leave feedback on the site;
the bread crumbs;
"the property booking" section (all reservations can be seen in the admin panel and dashboard of the listing's owner.
the module of modules' management;
the module "Site map" is optimized;
viewing statistics is optimized;
many other small improvements and bug fixes.
Version 1.7.2 (January 18, 2014): #
Version 1.7.1 (December 26, 2013): #
Version 1.7.0 (December 24, 2013): #
the extended form editor — an ability to add, edit new fields and add them into the search (it is included only in the paid PRO and Ultimate versions);
an ability to edit the search form according to each property type (it is included only in the paid PRO and Ultimate versions);
an ability to add listings by a "guest";
a new widget of social networks;
authentication via;
a comparison list;
an ability to enable/disable the types: sell, rent to smb, rent from smb, buy, exchange;
the recent news on the home page;
google Panoramas;
JS and CSS Minifier;
an ability to leave comments on Q&As, News and static pages;
limit of listing's activity period;
a great variety of small improvements and bug fixes.
Version 1.6.2 (October 2, 2013): #
Version 1.6.1 (September 20, 2013): #
Version 1.6.0 (September 6, 2013): #
an opportunity to add a panorama to the listing (in the form of a wide angle panorama-image) or a ready 3-D virtual tour in the form of a SWF file;
the module of news is rewritten. Now you can add an image to the news that will be displayed in the list of news as well as in the news, plus now it is possible to specify an annonce of the news (a text that will be displayed the list of news to attract attention of the users);
a new paid module - interaction with the service 'Yandex.Realty' (it is included in the paid PRO version);
a great variety of small improvements and bug fixes.
Version 1.5.1 (Jule 2, 2013): #
Version 1.5.0 (June 28, 2013): #
displaying of listings' data in Tabs;
forms Editor: Displaying of fields depending on the property type;
video uploading;
ability to return to the search results and to edit the listing while viewing the listing;
displaying of number of listings if the search criteria change;
a new field "Note" which is visible only to the owner of the listing and to the administrator;
a new installer of the product;
paid module "Import / Export of listings";
paid module "Location": the ability to specify "Country->Region->City".
Version 1.4.4 (June 11, 2013): #
Version 1.4.3 (May 24, 2013): #
Version 1.4.2 (March 7, 2013): #
Version 1.4.1 (March 6, 2013): #
Version 1.4.0 (March 5, 2013): #
new types of listings ("rent property form smb", "buy", "exchange");
a new photos uploader (with support for multi-selection of files) + the opportunity to upload a "watermark";
view of the listings as a list, a table and with a map;
adding/editing of a listing in "Tabs" and in one step;
ability to add funds to your balance and then to use funds for paid services;
the module "Paid services" is rewritten;
the module "Google Maps", "Yandex.Maos" are rewritten;
the module "SEO" is rewritten (setting of your Friendly URL for title, keywords, description);
RSS-subscription for search results;
a new form "Complain about the listing";
an opportunity to upload your own icons for markers of each property type which will display on the map;
view of all listings of a user;
a new form "Send a message to the listing's owner";
"Print version" instead of "PDF-version";
price on asking, price 'from' and 'up to';
setting for the marker according to the address that is specified in the special field when adding / editing a listing;
the German language is added in the paid version;
correction of old issues and adding of new ones;
displaying of paid services applied to the listing;
setting of any period of paid services' activity by administrator;
filter of objects by search on map;
the qr-code is now displayed on the listing's page.
Version 1.3.2 (August 2, 2012)
Version 1.3.1 (July 17, 2012)
Version 1.3.0 (July 12, 2012)
Version 1.2.0 (March 27, 2012)
Version 1.1.2 (January 29, 2012)
Version 1.1.1 (January 20, 2012)
Version 1.1.0 (January 20, 2012)
Version 1.0.0 (December 28, 2011):