• Build
    Real Estate

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  • Mobile

    Correct display
    on smartphones, tablets,
    desktops and laptops

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  • Simple
    of the project

    Payment systems: Робокасса,
    PayMaster, PayPal, Wire Transfer,
    W1 Wallet, LiqPay

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  • Extended

    Possibilty to set
    urls to listings,
    news and other pages

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Create your own real estate website.

Our product lets you create your own website to get the profits within the shortest possible time or to present your real estate agency on the Internet.

An easy-to-use interface, high website speed, social tools, a variety of functions and add-ons – all this and some more help to build a business based on our products efficiently.

Open Real Estate is a ready-to-go real estate website software.

CMS software offers real estate agencies and real estate agents the technology they need to connect with real estate owners, prospective buyers and Internet surfers.

Why us?

Because we’ve helped more than 2000 real estate agencies' and real estate agent's businesses like your one succeed online. The MonoRay is a Russia-based web development company. We build professional websites focused on buying, selling and renting realty.
Our company has great experience in building websites. Our web developers have different certificates confirming their professionalism. Many of them share their knowledge and read lectures on different topics about web applications development using PHP and MySQL in some progressive companies.

With our products your business ideas come true within the shortest possible time!

Multiple languages ang currencies

Open Real Estate enables to use several languages and currencies on the realestate website making it easy to use for users from different countries.

Easy monetization

Modules 'Paid Services and Payments' and 'Tariff Plans', as well as module 'Advertising banners' allow to monetize your website easily.

SEO optimization

Module 'SEO' provides flexible setting of the site for better indexing by search machines and use of SEF URL.

Modular architecture

Modular architecture of Open Real Estate enables to purchase and use only the modules you require.

Latest projects


"After testing several rental property content systems, we chose Open Real Estate Pro in 2015. The software is easy to use for both us and our customers. Property owners love the CMS as it is more powerful than any others we tested. The available modules work and configure well, and customization is a snap. This software offered EVERYTHING we wanted, and MonoRay Studio support is #1."
Matthew, USA, http://ourvillagesrental.com

"I'v ebeen choosing a property script for a while. My reuquirements were specific, that's why I was also looking for a developer. "Monoray" developer sent me an adequate quote and started to work at my portal. The responses were quick and experted. Developer always prompts me the best variant to realize my ideas. Happy with everything!"
Alexey, Italy, http://www.neva-consult.it

"It's already a year since I launched a site based on Open Real Estate CMS PRO version. This product attracted me immediately by the simplicity of use, rich functionality, consistent development, and, what was the most important, possibility to order extra developments directly from the product creators and for a small fee. I am happy with my choice and wish ''Monoray' success and further prosperity!"
Dmitriy, Russia, http://rent-house-tour.ru

"We've been extensively using products and services of 'Monoray' company for more than half a year. Within this period we could assess both service and customization work (including ajustments to our needs), everything is done on an excellent level and within reasonable timeframes."
Vladimir, Russia, http://123-realty.ru

"I had experience working with site-building company Monoray a few years ago ... and years later after scrupulous monitoring of professional market of turn-key rent and sale property scripts, I adress to this company again to acquire their software. Monoray, by all means, is the leader in this market segment. I wish that the company would keep its development rates in improving their uncompetitive works ... and I wish them more and more new ideas. A special 'thank you' to customer manager! About the script: It seems like developers have been working at the software numerous years and took into account every point. It's easy to fill with content. Customer service works consistently and solves technical questions efficiently. The script will be a perfect solution for a quick start of a property company that makes its first steps on the market and needs a web site here and now."
Dmitry, Russia, http://12x12.ru

"Hytter.com is a web portal where Norwegian cottage owners can advertise their property to interested parties (in Norway and the rest of the world) who are looking for a self-catered holiday cottage in Norway (the Norwegian translation for cottages or cabins is: hytter). The domain name hytter.com has already been registered in 1998, but there was no suitable web portal available to our liking, until we came across the program «Open Real Estate» from the people of Monoray. «Open Real Estate» turned out to be the perfect program for our advertising purposes and with the fantastic help of the team of developers of Monoray, we were able to get the program customized exactly to our needs. The service of Monoray is excellent and all customization work has been done for a very reasonable price. We are most happy to recommend the services of Monoray for all your Real Estate projects."
Randi, Norway, http://hytter.com

"We decided in favour of Open Real Estate solution (PRO version) to build a Cyprus-based property rental website and remained fully satisfied. Basic functionality is thought out to the last detail. Minor changes are easy to implement if you're familiar to MVC frameworks. Some of extra developments were ordered from the product developers. The job was done in time and to a good quality. Thanks a lot!"
Nikolay, Belarus, http://rent4trip.com

"It's awesome, really. I can't say enough about how wel it's tailored to the needs of Butternut.bet. Our team has been using other products with varying degrees of satisfaction, but this beats all. Combined with the service of Monoray, it beats the heck out of the competitors. Thanks for a great tool and the provided service."
Butternut, Netherlands, http://butternut.bet