Recently there were some changes in the work of Google Maps. Google no longer supports keyless access -
So, it's necessary to get API key for correct work of Google Maps -
These changes was taken into consideration in our new version Open Real Estate 1.17.0 (June, 28, 2016). You can enter the key in Settings. As for elder versions, you should change lines in the code.
In the file: protected/modules/apartments/components/CustomGMap.php
change line:
$js1 = ''.Yii::app()->language;
$js1 = ''.param('googleMapApiKey').'&callback=initGmap&language='.Yii::app()->language;
In the files: protected/modules/apartments/views/backend/_form.php
Atlas theme: themes/atlas/views/modules/userads/views/_form.php
Classic theme: themes/classic/views/modules/userads/views/_form.php
Change the code:
if(!param('useGoogleMap')){ Yii::app()->getClientScript()->registerScriptFile(''.Yii::app()->language.'', CClientScript::POS_END); }
if(!param('useGoogleMap')){ Yii::app()->getClientScript()->registerScriptFile(''.param('googleMapApiKey').'&language='.Yii::app()->language.'', CClientScript::POS_END); }
In the file: protected/config/main.php (paid version)
protected/config/main-free.php (free version)
add parameter googleMapApiKey at the bottom -
'params'=>array( 'googleMapApiKey' => 'YOUR API KEY',