



Help system configuring "Property types"

Help system configuring "Property types"

The functionality of convenient addition of rooms in hotels has appeared in the new Open Real Estate version. An additional tab "Rooms" was developed in the editing form of hotels. The owner of an object can see all hotel rooms and add them as well in this tab in a tabular style.

All hotel rooms and add them

A new building is added it is possible to add the apartments in the same manner. All this can be customized in the admin panel in section "References" – Reference "Property type". We look into the property type settings "Hotels"

Settings property type

3 additional switches appeared in the property type settings:

1. Contains the objects – if you enable this option, the website code understands that for this object it is possible to add under objects, rooms in this case. Also, 3 more additional forms appear when this option is enabled:

- "Section" - as will be called the section (tab) containing under objects in the editing form of hotel and at displaying hotel, the title – "Rooms" in this case.
- "Text on addition button" - no comments here.
- "A message of successful saving" - this message will appear after saving room.

2. To show in searching - this option at new type addition of the real estate is enabled by default. But for rooms, for example, the option is disabled and that's why they aren't displayed in searching on the website. Rooms can be seen only when viewing hotel. Also at option disabling, this type of the real estate can't be chosen in the filter for searching.

3. To show in the general table - if the option is disabled, in the admin panel in "Listings" objects of this type won't be displayed in the table. This option is disabled for rooms at the moment. The rooms controlling is exercised in editing hotel only.

Let’s just assume an example to add a new type of the real estate containing objects - "Ground". To it, we will enable the option "contains objects". We will specify that the section will be called "Pieces of the land", button title "Add the piece of the land", a message about successful saving - "Piece of the land is successfully saved " and keep this type of the real estate.
Now it is necessary to create a new type of the real estate "Piece of the land" - in it need to specify in the option "Located in" by selecting real estate type "Ground". Now the addition of "Pieces of the land" to "Ground" will be simple.