



5 reasons to start sending newsletters for a real estate agency or a realtor

5 reasons to start sending newsletters for a real estate agency or a realtor

High quality newsletters may become very efficient for both agents and private realtors. There are some reasons why:

  1. Personalization. Segmentation of the audience helps to provide the information which can make a customer interested in your offer. When the offer satisfies the audience’s needs, there are more chances that your sales will increase.
  2. Responsiveness. Compared to, for example, calls, newsletters helps you reach the receiver in about 5 minutes. No offer will get passed by a potential customer.
  3. Automatization. Due to the links some stages of the process can be automatized, so both your and your client can significantly save your time in calls and meetings.
  4. Management of large customers’ database. E-mails help you cover a huge audience of both your potential and existing clients.
  5. Increasing of loyalty. Reputation improvement is another benefit of email-marketing. The increased level of trust will improve the chance that next time a customer apply in your company.

Newsletters types

Information letter

Information newsletter in the field of real estate may include market or company news, and also some useful materials concerning different aspects of purchasing, sales and rent of real estate. It can be a solution for different legal issues, or answers to the questions about mortgage or insurance.

In other words, when a user subscribes to newsletters, they expect to learn more about the professional point of view in the field of real estate.

Selling letter

In promo newsletters advertise building owners or objects. Also if a user subscribes to a newsletter which notifies about the objects satisfying some particular attributes, you can quickly inform them about all the advantages of the new dwelling in the agency.

Trigger letters

This type of letters is sent in respond to some particular actions of a user in a site, or to call back the customers who haven’t been in a site for a long period.

Notifications and announcements

It is a kind of service letters which can remind you about particular agreements or events. For example, you can send a notification about a flat presentation or invite a customer or your own employees to a company event.


Such letters usually give an overview of the most interesting information in brief. It can be the latest market or company news, objects or services overview.

The rules of high-quality email newsletters

However, you should remember that email newsletters can become detrimental if you do it unprofessionally. Not to make your efforts in vain, and to prevent marking your letters as “Spam” by the users, you should follow the following rules. They will help you to make your newsletters more efficient and decrease the level of negative feedback from your target audience.

1. Don’t spam

Every day we receive dozens of letters from different companies, so it’s an open secret that newsletters we didn’t subscribe to can become really annoying.

That’s why the first and the most important rule is to send letters only to those who has agreed to receive newsletters.

A user can easily get rid of unwanted letters by marking them as “spam”. In your turn you can be banned when the number of complaints from the users will become too high. That’s why work only with the database of e-mails that you have got in a legitimate way.

By the way, you should update the database from time to time. If there was a huge gap since the last letter was sent, we recommend you to ask permission for sending newsletters again.

2. Send letters regularly

Plan email-marketing in a few month in advance and think through the content. Each letter should have its particular target: inform, sell, increase the customers’ loyalty.

3. Write about things that are useful and interesting for your target audience

It’s not worth telling that you should inform users within your company sphere. Audience subscribes to your newsletters because it is interested in the particular field you work in.

Another crucial rule is that every letter should be useful for your followers. A newsletter can be different: informative, selling or entertaining, but it must attract a client or make them interested: tell about important news, make them smiling or make a special offer.

4. Write in a smart way

First of all, literacy is your own reputation and sign of respect to your client. Even a small mistake or misprint in a newsletter can decrease your clients’ trust in your company.

5. Structure and design a newsletter well

Your unique design, dividing the information into sections that are easy for visual perception, outlining the important part of a letter are a guarantee that clients will understand you. For a newsletter and for a corporate portal it’s important that a user finds all the necessary information at once.