

Module "Booking Calendar"

Module 'Booking Calendar'

Module 'Booking Calendar' enhances functionality of the websites based on Open Real Estate CMS and improves their usability while listing a property for rent.

The module enables owners of the listings for 'Rent' and an administrator to specify, remove and edit booking periods of properties:

Booked periods of listings in Open Real Estate

Booked periods of properties are displayed on the page of a listing in the form of a calendar in 'The periods of bookings' tab. This allows users to see the dates on which a property is not available for rent:

Display of booking a listing in Open Real Estate

If the module 'Booking Calendar' is installed and enabled, then confirming a booking a listing is automatically marked as booked for the specified period of time. This allows to avoid re-booking of a property on reserved days.

If the module 'Booking Calendar' is installed, you can manage its settings in the section 'Modules Management' of the admin panel:

Status management of the module 'Booking Calendar' for Open Real Estate