

Module 'Yandex.Realty'

Module 'Yandex.Realty'

Information provided by Yandex (available in Russia only):

The export supports only listings of the following property types: apartment, house, room, land, office and garage.
To specify the exported fields in the feed, contact us:

After the module is acquired, it's to be configured.

To export the listings from your website:

Edit a file protected\modules\yandexRealty\controllers\MainController.php
Open and edit the following lines (if necessary):

public static $squareUnit = 'кв.м';
public static $landSquareUnit = 'соток';
# если нет модуля "Страна->регион->город" задаём строго
$this->country = 'Россия';
$this->region = 'Москва и московская область';
# валюта
$this->currency = 'RUR'; # param('siteCurrency', 'RUR');

If your have PRO or ULTIMATE version you don't need to edit variable values $this->country, $this->region and $this->currency. Those values will be set automatically. In particular, the value of variable $this->currency will be equal to default currency code (which is set in the admin panel).

To import the listings on your website:

Open a file protected\modules\yandexRealty\models\YandexRealtyImport.php and insert the link to your XML feed into the value of the constant const API_URL.

Set up a cron job (scheduling task) on hosting. For example: every day at 6 a.m.: 0 6 * * * php/home/.../protected/cron.php jobs importFromYandexRealty.

Imported fields from xml file: owner name, owner phone number, deal type, property type, address, price, square, number of rooms, floor, description, coordinates and photos.

Customization for export or import of listings by the forces of our experts is made for an additional charge.

For any inquiries and help contact us:

Discussion of Yandex.Realty module on our forum (available in Russian only):