Articles, company news, updates and real estate trends
Are you looking for a simple engine (script) to build a business card website?
Try an updated version of our CMS - Open Business Card.
The updated version 1.4.0 offers multilanguage support, increased speedwork, a lot of minor improvements.
And all this is absolutely free!
Before you start installing Open Real Estate CMS, it's strongly recommended to change the default value of the variable, responsible for users' passwords generating.
This step is necessary to protect the passwords in case the script is hacked/exploited.
We have released an updated version of Open Real Estate.
Developers have implemented some corrections and made some improvements to the product to make it even better than before!
In the article we'll overview one of the options to protect admin panel of your property website, based on Open Real Estate software. Specifically, we'll see how to restrict authorization in the admin panel to specific IP addresses.
Machine translation is used after "Translate" button is clicked
After this button is clicked, script sends a request to Google Translate with cUrl, and thwn the translated line returns. High quality of this translation is not guaranteed.
Recently this functionlaity stopped working.
The new version of CMS Open Real Estate has been released.
What's new:
The new version of CMS Open Real Estate has been released.
What's new: