Articles, company news, updates and real estate trends
One way or another, the main objective of a user in a real estate portal is to find a property to sell or rent, so the base of object exists in the most of real estate agency websites. To simplify the search for potential clients it's important to make this process convenient.
The work on the website is not only its creation. If you want to get income from a corporate portal you should constantly attract customers.
In this article you will find out how to create a ready to use site for selling wines from a real estate site based on Open Real Estate CMS.
You can also try to make your own site on selling cars, yachts, mobiles etc in the similar way.
The discussions about the best design solution for a real estate website has been led for a long time and the issue hasn’t been solved yet. What is better: a ready-to-use template or a unique design is a big debate.
We recommend you to make a choice according to the tasks your website should solve.
The new version of CMS Open Real Estate has been released.
What's new:
Dear friend, we are happy to inform us that our real estate website management system Open Real Estate and our web-studio MonoRay celebrate their 5 year anniversary! In this article we would like to provide you with our 5 year summary and tell you about the results we achieved.
Yandex research shows, that the number of people who use tablets and smartphones to surf the web is increasing. A good website, first of all, takes into account the users’ needs. If you take care of you customers, content supply should be as convenient as possible. So you cannot do without content adjustment for mobile devices.
The main thing on a website is content, as eventually a user visit any internet resource seeking for information (maybe except gaming). It can be just data about an organisation, for example, contact details, or product overview.
All the updaes of Open Real Estate 1.19.1 are conneсted with usability improvements.