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CMS Open Real Estate is a multi functional ready-to-use solution for creation real estate websites. Our system lets you create different types of websites according to the tasks and services of a project.
So you have installed our real estate script.
What should you do at first? Add listings at once? Or create users? Or maybe you should add some additional fields for listings in the "Extended form editor"?
Don't jump the gun.
Recently in one of the largest conferences on digital marketing Pubcon 2016 a webmaster trends analyst with Google Gary Illyes has declared surprising news: in several months the organization is launching a separate search results for mobile users.
Finally you have an opportunity to test a new version of Open Real Estate CMS – script that lets you create real estate websites, web portals and listings boards.
The new version of CMS Open Real Estate has been released.
What's new:
Catch our discounts for Open Real Estate!
Only 10 days 15% discount on any new updated software version 1.18.
The new version of CMS Open Real Estate has been released.
What's new:
150+ design themes for you to choose from.
Select a new design for your real estate site and give it a completely new look and feel.
Any template can be integrated to your website.